Women becoming victims of dysthymia due to loneliness and domestic violence, learn symptoms

2 min readJan 9, 2021
Women becoming victims of dysthymia due to loneliness and domestic violence, learn symptoms

Women often suffer from mental depression and stress due to atrocities and domestic violence. According to medical science, most women suffer from diseases such as adjustment disorder or dysthymia due to atrocities or violence. Let’s know about this disease and what are its symptoms.

This is how adjustment disorder occurs

Generally, in most societies, women have to move to another family after marriage. Most of the women have to face difficulties in adjusting to the new environment. In many women, this problem persists for a long time. According to myUpchar, any person can make themselves friendly towards the environment in 6 months, but when many people are unable to do so, they become a victim of depression.These can be symptoms of adjustment disorder

When women are victims of adjustment disorder, their behavior becomes rebellious. Symptoms like feeling anxious, sadness, lack of concentration, feeling helpless, lack of enthusiasm, fearful fear, poor sleep, without any reason. Apart from this, symptoms like muscle tension, stretch, pain or swelling, disturbances in digestion are also seen. Due to mental stress, sometimes family relationships also get affected.

Domestic violence can also cause dysthymia

According to myUpchar, dysthymia is a long-lasting low-grade depression and occurs mostly in domestic women. It can also be due to domestic violence or harassment. Symptoms of dysthymia are more common in women who suffer from loneliness or are depressed most of the time.




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